Sunday, April 18, 2010

Talking Point No.1

Welcome my dear students in the Teaching Profession.
Take time and enjoy reading our first Talking Point.


Course Title: The Teaching Profession Credit Unit: 3 units


This course gives the prospective professional teacher a comprehensive view of his/her multifarious tasks focusing on personal and professional competencies. It furnishes a clear understanding and meaning of teaching as a profession. The conditions governing the professionalization of teaching are also emphasized for future teachers to appreciate their significant roles and to meet the challenges in their chosen profession.


The students are expected to:

1. synthesize some educational philosophies and draw their implications to teaching-learning;

2. understand the multi-faceted tasks and responsibilities of a global teacher;

3. Internalize moral foundational principles and value formation as integral component of the profession;

4. clarify constitutional mandates and other basic educational laws to improve quality education of the country;

5. update themselves on the amendments to the existing teacher’ laws and on pertinent provisions of selected laws which have bearing on the teaching profession; and

6. familiarize educational practices of selected countries as benchmark for teaching multicultural class.



Class Task/s

I. The Teacher as a Person in Society

A. The Teacher’s Philosophical and Values Formation

1. The Teacher’s Educational Philosophy






2. The Foundational Principles of


3. Values Formation

Transcendent Values

Values are Taught & Caught

Cognitive, Affective and

Behavioral Dimensions of Values

Max Scheler’s Hierarchy of Values

B. Teaching as a Vocation, Mission and Profession

C. Personal and Professional Qualities of a Teacher

1. Summarize at least five educational philosophies and draw their implications to teaching-learning

2. Determine the extent each philosophy apply to him/ her

3. Explain comprehensively each educational philosophy

4. Formulate one’s own philosophy of education

5. Define morality

6. Discuss the foundational principles of morality

7. Synthesize cognitive, affective and behavioral dimensions of values

8. Present Scheler’s hierarchy of values by means of an appropriate graphic organizer

9. Describe teaching as a vocation, mission and profession

10. Differentiate the philosophical context of vocation, mission and profession

11. Gain insight into the professional and personal qualities of an effective teacher

II. The Roles of Teachers

A. Instructional Expert

Develops curriculum

Designs and plans lesson

Facilitates learning

Motivates learners

Designs materials

Assesses student learning

B. Classroom Manager

Establishes routines

Maintains classroom discipline

Provides physical environment

conducive to learning

Creates positive/ warm

psychosocial climate in the


C. Community Leader

Assumes responsibilities in

school, church and community

programs and activities

Participation in school outreach

programs and projects

Supports PTA/PTCA initiatives

D. Promoter of Linkages and Networking with Organizations

Establishes linkage with LGU’s,

NGO’s, PO’s

Participates in networking in

local, national and international


12. Identify the responsibilities of a teacher as an instructional expert

13. cite the significance of the teacher’s instructional competencies in the teaching-learning processes

14. Describe the impact of the teacher’s management skills on the teaching-learning process

15. Recommend ways to ensure effective classroom management

16. Identify various school, church, community programs and activities in which teachers could be involved

17. Discuss the roles of teachers in community extension activities

18. Cite benefits derived from establishing linkages and networks

19. suggest ways to establish linkages with other organizations

III. The Professionalization of Teaching

A. Legal Constitutional Bases

1987 Constitution

RA No. 7722-CHED


RA 9155-DepEd

Organization and Structure of


B. Educational Legislations

Education Development Decree

of 1972 (PD 6-A)

Education Act of 1982


ILO- International Laws and

Standards Organization

20. Cite legal/ constitutional bases of the developments, initiatives and reforms in the Philippine Educational System

21. Clarify the constitutional mandate to improve the quality of education in the country

22. Identify government agencies responsible for realizing the goals of the Philippine Educational System

23. assess the impact of various educational legislations on the Phil. Educational system

IV. Guide for the Professional


Magna Carta for Teachers (RA 4670)

A Decree Professionalizing Teaching (PD 10006)

The Philippine Teachers Professionalization Act of 1994 (RA 7836)

Amendment of Certain Sections of RA7836 (RA 9293)

Professional Code of Ethics for Teachers

Educational Provision on the Family Code

Anti-Sexual Harassment Act (RA7877)

Early Childhood Care Development (ECCD) Act (RA 8980

24. Discuss the rights of teachers as provided for in the Magna Carta

25. Be updated on recent amendments to existing teacher’s laws and on pertinent provisions of selected laws which have bearing on the teaching profession

26. Develop a deeper appreciation for the professionalization of teaching and for the teaching profession itself

V. The Global Teacher

A. Comparative educational systems

B. Teaching in Multi-Cultural Classes

C. Teacher Exchange Program

27. Compare and contrast selected educational systems of the world

28. Point out commonalities and differences of learners

29. Identify the various needs of learners in multi-cultural classes

30. Relate teaching content and practices to learners’ cultural diversities

31. Design a lesson on teaching a multi-cultural class

32. Identify worldwide teacher exchange program

33. Suggest/ research on ways to avail of these program

34. Cite the significance of teacher exchange program

35. Find significant insights in the developmental stages of learners

36. Make a concept map to illustrate learning insights


Pen and paper examinations, Reporting, Discussion and Interaction,



Bilbao, Purita P., et. Al., The Teaching Profession. Quezon City: Lorimar Publishing Co. Inc. 2006

Corpuz, Brenda B. Principles and Strategies of Teaching. Quezon City: Lorimar Publishing Co. Inc. 2003

Duka, Cecilio D. Reviewer for the LET. Manila: Manila Review Institute, 2007

Salandan, Gloria G. Methods of Teaching, Quezon City: Lorimar Publishing Co., Inc. 2006

Salandan, Gloria G. Teaching and the Teacher. Quezon City: Lorimar Publishing Co., Inc. 2005

“What nobler employment, or more valuable to the state,
than that of the man who instructs the rising generation.”

Marcus Tullius Cicero

The Teacher as a Person in Society

Teachers are one of the main pillars of a sound and progressive society. They bear the weight and responsibility of teaching, and, apart from parents, are the main source of knowledge and values for children. In an article entitled, “The Role of Teachers in the Present Day Society, Naraginti ReddyEach mentioned that person can trace contribution of some teachers who helped that person to transform into a good human being with a more positive self-image, more self-confidence, more commitment and motivation to pursue excellence. This role of a teacher is universally acknowledged. In education, a teacher is one who helps students or pupils, often in a school, as well as in a family, religious or community setting. A teacher is an acknowledged guide or helper in processes of learning. A new paradigm for teacher education is one that highlights the distinctive service of the profession as a way of serving society.

As a prospective teacher, you have an important responsibility to play in society. Your influence on your learners and on other people with whom you work and live depends a great deal on your philosophy as a person and as a teacher. Your philosophy of life and your philosophy of education serve as your "window" to the world and "compass" in the sea of life. (Bilbao,, 2006)

It is significant for every teacher to have an individual beliefs of teacher instruction based on a set of principles and main beliefs. It should reproduce the person’s ideologies and philosophies of education and in general the development of the kids. It becomes a vital factor in guiding the children towards a successful existence.

Philosophy means "love of wisdom." It is made up of two Greek words, philo, meaning love, and sophos, meaning wisdom. Philosophy helps teachers to reflect on key issues and concepts in education, usually through such questions as: What is being educated? What is the good life? What is knowledge? What is the nature of learning? And What is teaching? Philosophers think about the meaning of things and interpretation of that meaning.

Your educational philosophy is your beliefs about why, what and how you teach, whom you teach, and about the nature of learning. It is a set of principles that guides professional action through the events and issues teachers face daily. Sources for your educational philosophy are your life experiences, your values, the environment in which you live, interactions with others and awareness of philosophical approaches. Learning about the branches of philosophy, philosophical world views, and different educational philosophies and theories will help you to determine and shape your own educational philosophy, combined with these other aspects.

When you examine a philosophy different from your own, it helps you to "wrestle" with your own thinking. Sometimes this means you may change your mind. Other times, it may strengthen your viewpoint; or, you may be eclectic, selecting what seems best from different philosophies. But in eclecticism, there is a danger of sloppy and inconsistent thinking, especially if you borrow a bit of one philosophy and stir in some of another. If serious thought has gone into selection of strategies, theories, or philosophies, this is less problematic. For example, you may determine that you have to vary your approach depending on the particular learning needs and styles of a given student. At various time periods, one philosophical framework may become favored over another. For example, the Progressive movement led to quite different approaches in education in the 1930s. But there is always danger in one "best or only" philosophy. In a pluralistic society, a variety of views are needed.

Why write a Philosophy of Teaching?

Teachers are often asked for their teaching philosophies as part of completing their education or applying for new jobs. A philosophy of teaching explains your reasons for teaching, a description of how you teach, and justifications for your beliefs about teaching. Your teaching philosophy will likely evolve as you gain experience in teaching and place yourself in new and different situations.

What to do before you start writing.

Brainstorming techniques.

Putting your philosophy of teaching into writing can be a daunting task. Here are some ways to get started planning your own statement.
1. Ask yourself a few questions about your own teaching. In your mind, what makes a good teacher? What qualities should a good teacher have? What is the role of a teacher? The role of a student? What adjectives describe your teaching style? Sit down with a piece of paper and let yourself free write on these and other similar topics.
2. Talk to your peers and your instructors if you're still in school. Ask someone to read over what you've scribbled down and make suggestions.
3. Think about elements of teaching and learning that are specific to your area. For example, an ESL teacher might comment on methods and ways of language learning. Your thoughts are how a student learns and acquires language would be essential to expressing your own philosophy of teaching.

What is Your Philosophy of Education?

This philosophy of education survey comes from the Philosophy chapter (13) in the Sadker & Sadker foundations text. Sadker, M.P. & Sadker, D. S. (1997). Teachers, schools and society (4th ed., pp. 403-405.) NY: McGraw Hill.

Mark your answers on the score sheet below, add your totals and see how your beliefs fit into various educational philosophies and your classmates. Use the following scale:

5 = strongly agree; 4 = agree; 3 = neutral; 2 = disagree; and 1 = strongly disagree.

  1. The curriculum of schools should be centered on the basic subjects such as reading, writing, history, math, and science.
  2. The curriculum of the schools should focus on the great thinkers of the past.
  3. Many students learn best by engaging in real-world activities rather than reading.
  4. The students should be permitted to determine their own curriculum.
  5. Information is taught effectively when it is broken down into small parts.
  6. The curriculum of a school should be determined by information that is essential for all students to know.
  7. Schools, above all, should develop students' abilities to think deeply, analytically, and creatively; this is more important than developing their social skills or providing them with a useful body of knowledge about our ever-changing world.
  8. Schools should prepare students for analyzing and solving the types of problems they will face outside the classroom.
  9. Reality is determined by each individual's perceptions. There is not objective and universal reality.
  10. People are shaped much more by their environment than by their genetic dispositions or the exercise of their free will.
  11. Students should not be promoted from one grade to the next until they have read and mastered certain key material.
  12. An effective education is not aimed at the immediate needs of the students or society.
  13. The curriculum of a school should be built around the personal experiences and needs of the students.
  14. Students who do not want to study much should not be required to do so.
  15. Programmed learning (sequential, step-by-step) is an effective method of learning.
  16. Academic rigor is an essential component of education.
  17. All students, regardless of ability, should study more or less the same curriculum.
  18. Art classes should focus primarily on individual expression and creativity.
  19. Effective learning is unstructured and informal.
  20. Students learn best through reinforcement and reward.
  21. Effective schools assign a substantial amount of homework.
  22. Education should focus on the discussion of timeless questions such as "What is beauty?" or "What is truth?"
  23. Since students learn effectively through social interaction, schools should plan for substantial social interaction in their curricula.
  24. The purpose of school is to help students understand themselves and find the meaning of their existence.
  25. Frequent objective testing is the best way to determine what students know.
  26. Our country must become more competitive economically with countries such as Japan, and schools have an affirmative obligation to bolster their academic requirements in order to facilitate such competition.
  27. Students must be taught to appreciate learning primarily for its own sake rather than because it will help them in their careers.
  28. Schools must place more emphasis on teaching about the concerns of minorities and women.
  29. Each person has free will to develop as he or she sees fit.
  30. Reward students well for learning and they will remember and be able to apply what they learned, even if they were not led to understand why the information is worth knowing.
  31. Our schools should attempt to instill traditional values in students.
  32. Teacher-guided discovery of profound truths is a key method of teaching students.
  33. Students should be active participants in the learning process.
  34. There are no external standards of beauty. Beauty is what an individual decides it to be.
  35. We can place a lot of faith in our schools and teachers to determine which student behaviors are acceptable and which are not.
  36. Schools must provide students with a firm grasp of basic facts regarding the books, people, and events that have shaped the American heritage.
  37. Philosophy is ultimately at least as practical a subject to study as is computer science.
  38. Teachers must stress for students the relevance of what they are learning to their lives outside, as well as inside, the classroom.
  39. It is more important for a student to develop a positive self-concept than to learn specific subject matter.
  40. Learning is more effective when students are given frequent tests to determine what they have learned.

Educational Philosophy Score Sheet

Write the number of your response to each item/statement in the spaces below. Add the number you marked in each column and put your sums in the bottom row. Then indicate your rank order for each column. Use the following scale:

5 = strongly agree; 4 = agree; 3 = neutral; 2 = disagree; and 1 = strongly disagree




Social Reconstructivism












































Once you have finished this exercise, look at the types of philosophies heading the columns on the survey response sheet to find out what types are compatible with your beliefs and approaches.


  1. yehey........... ready na akong maging teacher... hmmmm, hi sir?

  2. sir patulong f may problem kami in practice teaching...

    narigat sa ngamen..


  3. Hello. I need help. I have an assignment on my Teaching Profession subject. We have to formulate our own Philosophy. Nahihirapan akong gumawa. Please send me an email. My email address is Thanks.
